How the Children's Paths care center lives: help and needs.

  Almost a year has passed since the Diplomats team first met the leaders and children of the Children's Paths center. They captivated our hearts with their sincerity, honesty, gratitude and openness! It was from that moment that our friendship and support began.

The team of the Diplomats organization during the first visit to the family-type home "Children's Paths" 

  Let's go back in time and remember how our friendship began! During our first trip, we brought the children a lot of fruit to support their immunity in winter and sweets for their joy. In addition, that period of our life together was marked by total power outages, so we also took this fact into account and brought 300 liters of fuel for the generator that powered the house during the blackouts. That day, the kids gave us a tour of their rooms and told us about their life and everyday life in the house. We didn't want to leave and promised to come back.

  Each of our team members had an idea in their minds - we should organize a party. And two weeks later, we visited them with an entertainment program, animators, chemical experiments, and new gifts. But you can read more about this in the previous article on our website.


   Recently, Mariana Mamonova and I went to the town of Velyki Mosty for the third time to deliver gifts to the Children's Paths institution. The children received sweet gifts, toys and necessary clothes, and we got a boost of energy from playing and communicating with them. But in this article, we would like to tell you not only about the gifts and fun, but also about the institution itself, its tireless employees, and the global needs of children deprived of parental care.

  The institution itself was founded on October 29, 2015. Mykola Shagarov was the ideological inspirer of this incredible social and rehabilitation center for children and gave it the name "Family Children's Paths". The main mission of the institution is to integrate children into their biological or foster families and adopt them.

   During its existence, 87 children have undergone social rehabilitation and 63 children have been placed in various forms of family care. As Mr. Mykola told us: "15 children returned to their biological families, 13 children were adopted, 12 children were placed under guardianship, 17 children were placed in family-type children's homes (FTC) and 6 children in foster care, 5 children were placed in other institutions." This is a tremendous result for this center. Even during the war, the staff of the center did not give up, and thanks to them, another 24 children were placed in various forms of family care. 

At the same time, the house can accommodate 32 children aged 3 to 18, and in some cases up to 23 if they are studying. Today, the children's center is home to 17 children aged 5 to 14.

A whole team of caring and professional people works to provide the children with a home-like environment, warmth and comfort: educators, cooks, a psychologist, a doctor, a driver and an employee of the housekeeping department. All school-age children attend a local school. 

  "The Children's Paths social and rehabilitation center is very different from the usual state institutions, because all the staff works to make children feel real family, home warmth and comfort. In their upbringing and education, they rely on a system of values: love, trust, respect, individuality, because every child here is a person.

   In fact, the children are provided with clothes, food, toys and all other household items for their development and education. But in today's complex realities of life, the managers also have to worry about the safety of the residents. Therefore, the most important task now is to equip a bomb shelter to preserve the health and lives of both children and staff. 

Mr. Mykola shared with us another dream of the center's children: a playground and sports grounds in the yard, so that they could spend more time outdoors during the season. 


We are confident that dreams come true and a real miracle will happen in this children's care center "Children's Paths"!

Our Diplomats team continues to support this incredible family called "Children's Paths". We urge everyone who cares to do so, and you can make a donation in a matter of minutes on our website

Let's make a miracle for children together this New Year's holiday!



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