
A non government organization performs activities ensuring the right of every citizen to be informed about verified facts and freedom of speech.

Психологічна допомога під час війни: практичні поради та ресурси

Дізнайтеся про важливість психологічної допомоги під час війни та ознайомтеся з переліком ресурсів та ініціатив, що надають безкоштовну підтримку українцям.

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Date: 03.09.2024

The action opens up the possibility of filing applications to the International Register of Losses

Find out how to submit a claim for compensation for damages caused by Russian aggression through the new service on the Diya portal and application. Instructions and details of the application process.

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Date: 02.08.2024

What is the volunteer register and how to register

Find out what the volunteer register of Ukraine is and how to register in 2024. The importance of volunteering during war. A complete guide for potential volunteers and tips for effective participation.

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Date: 01.07.2024

National competitions of the Invincible Games 2024: the spirit of invincibility and unity

Learn about the Invincible Games 2024 National Competition in Kyiv, which brought together servicemen and veterans from all over Ukraine

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Date: 03.06.2024

How to become a support for the elderly during the war: recommendations for volunteers

Learn how to effectively provide assistance to the elderly in Ukraine during the war. Practical methods and psychological aspect. Advice on medical care, delivery of essential goods, evacuation, psychological support and resources for volunteers.

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Date: 15.05.2024

How to run a volunteer campaign: your action plan for positive change

Learn how to effectively organize a volunteer campaign. From defining goals to engaging partners and evaluating results, get the tips you need to create a successful initiative.

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Date: 02.04.2024