Projects of the organization

A non government organization performs activities ensuring the right of every citizen to be informed about verified facts and freedom of speech.

Reliable international transportation

NGO "The Diplomats" invites you to use the transfer service

Налагодження міжнародних зв’язків
Projects of the organization

Ukraine is a member of the most authoritative global organizations, including the UN cofounder.

Cooperation with state authorities and local self-government
Establishing international relations

Cooperation between state institutions and community organizations is a key condition for the existence of a democratic state governed by the rule of law.

Protection of citizens and legal entities
Citizens and legal entities protection

There are many cases of discrimination against people's rights in Ukraine nowadays. Non-governmental organizations make a great contribution to the legal system, fighting for justice and truth.

Coverage of important issues in mass media
Media coverage of important issues

A large number of Ukrainian media outlets have changed the focus of their work, adjusting to the conditions of information warfare.

Collection of funds to support the military
Humanitarian aid activities

In such an important time, every Ukrainian has the opportunity to reach out to support the people in our country who are in need.