September, the first month of autumn, flew by unnoticed. It was rich in various events, brought unforgettable impressions, new emotions, small victories and achievements.

Our Diplomats team has made it a rule to summarize the results, because every time it is important to evaluate the work done and report to people who donate to good causes and remember that in such a difficult time for everyone, we all together bring benefit and joy to both people and the state.   


The beginning of the month was incredibly festive for many families, because the kids are going to school, some for the first time to the first grade, and some for the last time to graduation. But children who are deprived of parental care and support, these are the children we could not leave without support and care! Together with Mariana Mamonova (Instagram: @mariasha_mamonova), we visited the Center for Social Support of Children and Families called "Ridni" (you can find their activities on the official Instagram page: @centr_ridni.lmr) to congratulate the children on the beginning of the school year and to please them with gifts that we are sure will be useful in their educational process. Each gift was selected with due consideration of the child's needs and age. In total, we managed to deliver more than 50 sets with everything necessary for studying. The total amount of assistance amounted to 42 814.36 UAH!And we are grateful to everyone who donated to this project! The staff and children of the organization asked us to convey a big "Thank you" and gentle hugs to everyone who contributed!

The team of the organization "Diplomats" together with the staff of the "Center for Social Support of Families and Children "Ridni"


Together with our partners, the Mercy Service (instagram: @miloserdiiasluzhba), we continue to support the elderly, large families and people with disabilities who find themselves in difficult living conditions. We have collected humanitarian aid: necessary items, clothes, toys, food and sent it free of charge thanks to our partner @novaposhta_humanitarian to the town of Ternivka in the Dnipro region. And our colleagues from Mercy Service have already distributed and delivered the necessary assistance to the recipients.

It is important that everyone can contribute and support charitable initiatives. All you have to do is choose who you want to support (the project) and make a donation. 



September was full not only of charitable projects, but also of events that allow us to develop and unite. One of these events was the annual all-Ukrainian youth event Molodvizh (Instagram: @molodvizh). Their slogan is "It's not easy, but dream!", and these words are gaining special meaning nowadays, because our strength is in unity and faith in a happy future together. Our team of Diplomats together with Mariana Mamonova visited FESTrepublic during the Molodvizh event @molodvizh. Their main slogan was the following important and relevant words: "It's not easy, but dream!", because our strength is in unity and faith in a happy future together.  

During the event, they discussed dreams and one, the most important, common to all - the dream of winning! 

Also, our charming Mariana had the honor of speaking at the event, telling her own story and sharing her plans for the future.  

They talked about the painful things - military service, captivity, medicine. They also talked about the happy moments of motherhood, writing a book, volunteering and charity work with the Diplomats. 


In addition, our team together with Mariana took part in recording a podcast for the Veteran Hub space (Instagram: @veteran_hub). The podcast was recorded by Hlib Stryzhko himself, a veteran, marine and event manager at Veteran Hub.Almost three hours of recording flew by unnoticed. They discussed important issues for many: captivity and rehabilitation after it, returning to social life. Mariana told us how she manages to skillfully combine the role of a mother, volunteer and philanthropist in the Diplomats organization. We express our sincere gratitude to the Veteran Hub space for the hospitable reception, and to the guests for their support. Very soon, this recording will be available on YouTube and other platforms such as Apple, Spotify, and Google. We will be sure to attach a link to the story, don't miss it! 

The team of the Diplomats organization together with the team of the Veteran Hub space

Help, development and unity are what allow us Ukrainians to fight and win. And if you have the ability, desire and faith, join our team, make donations and support our projects with information! For us, this is the best recognition of the importance of our work! 

Help volunteers: